Some boring legal stuff

So given that we intend to make a brand story for The Bearded Brew, and place it on our finished website, it is incredibly important that we obey the UK code of non-broadcast advertising.

After all, alcohol is one of the strictest areas in terms of advertising, and has a lot of limitations in terms of what we can and can’t say.

I read through the section governing these alcohol regulations, and these two sections seemed most relevant to our current plan.

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It seems to be a bit of a grey area. The most controversial aspect of our story is the idea that the beer saves the man’s life, but it is also heavily implied at the end that the whole story was made up. If we ensure that there are disclaimers telling visitors to drink responsibly, I don’t see this being too much of a concern; especially as the tone of the story will be light-hearted, and not to be taken seriously.

All of the regulations can be found on this website:


ok, that’s it for now. The next post will be about Beer.




Animation Story Board

So I had a go at making a story board for the animation, based on the story I came up with about the Bearded Brew.


Excuse the terrible art skills, i’m hoping the animation will look a little prettier, but hopefully you get a rough idea of what’s in my head at the moment.


Scan 1 Scan 2


I’ll now start to create the assets i’ll need in Photoshop, and brush up on my After Effects skills!

And I suppose maybe have a beer as well.

– Alex

Visiting the Pheasantry

So, Alice and I thought it would be a good idea to run our initial thoughts and ideas by Luke at the Pheasantry, which is where he brews his amazing golden ale.

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Prepare for lots of exciting photos documenting our trip!

Luke was completely supportive of our ideas, and gave us some great information about his beer, and the Pheasantry in general. Look! Here we are having a serious discussion!

The man himself.
The man himself.

The whole trip was really productive and helped us smooth out some of our plans for this semester. We are really excited to start getting into the making of this website and watch all our ideas unfold on screen.


– Alex and Alice



Story time

So with this project we have the really exciting opportunity to go nuts with the designs Luke has.

We want to ensure that the website we build isn’t ‘just another company website,’ and that it has a creative story behind it, whilst also being innovative in the technical side as well.

This is where Nandos comes in. As well as having delicious chicken, Nandos also has great attention to detail when it comes to how they brand themselves. I was really inspired by was this story, always hanging on the wall of their restaurants.



Now what I like about this is how it suddenly takes what was just a company logo, and applies a new meaning to it; they give it a story. With our project we have the creative freedom to do this very same thing. Take the logo that Luke has provided, and try to bring that to life in an imaginative way.

So, here is a potential idea i’ve had for a story about the Bearded Dragon logo.

legend of the bearded brew


Our next plan would be to take something like this, and turn it into some kind of animation for the website. Either using After Effects, or telling it through parallax scrolling. In doing this, we can be well on our way to making a website that distances itself from most companies. By not just having a logo, but by having a logo that comes to life with it’s own story.


Thanks for the inspiration Nandos, have a beer on us.

– Alex


The Project

bearded brew blog image 1

The idea behind this project came from a lovely man named Luke, who likes beer. So much in fact, he decided to make his own.

bearded brew blog image 2bearded brew blog image 3

Look, there’s lots of it!

His problem is he needed an online presence. Some way to RAISE AWARENESS of his product, in a fun, lighthearted, and creative way. Free from corporate restrictions, and spreadsheet jargon. Enter Alice and Alex.

Our project is to do just that. To take the few designs Luke has, and bring them to life in an interactive online experience. This will involve using all the tools at our disposal, and learning new skills as we continue the project.


We have many exciting ideas, and are currently in the research process, so stay tuned for more exciting posts about beer.


– Alice and Alex