Story time

So with this project we have the really exciting opportunity to go nuts with the designs Luke has.

We want to ensure that the website we build isn’t ‘just another company website,’ and that it has a creative story behind it, whilst also being innovative in the technical side as well.

This is where Nandos comes in. As well as having delicious chicken, Nandos also has great attention to detail when it comes to how they brand themselves. I was really inspired by was this story, always hanging on the wall of their restaurants.



Now what I like about this is how it suddenly takes what was just a company logo, and applies a new meaning to it; they give it a story. With our project we have the creative freedom to do this very same thing. Take the logo that Luke has provided, and try to bring that to life in an imaginative way.

So, here is a potential idea i’ve had for a story about the Bearded Dragon logo.

legend of the bearded brew


Our next plan would be to take something like this, and turn it into some kind of animation for the website. Either using After Effects, or telling it through parallax scrolling. In doing this, we can be well on our way to making a website that distances itself from most companies. By not just having a logo, but by having a logo that comes to life with it’s own story.


Thanks for the inspiration Nandos, have a beer on us.

– Alex


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